MySQL Performance When Using UUID For Primary Key

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We can have one table split and placed on two physical sql servers. The one that MySQL implements in the UUID function is version 1 which is composed of the timestamp, UUID version and MAC address. This thread explains how to generate UUIDs on insert. There are no 2 rows in the table with the same id.

Hi everybody I'm working on a project which needs a multi-master db architecture, there will be a central database and many 'client' databases used by applications which can run in offline mode. UUID is designed as a number that is unique globally in space and time.

MySQL Performance When Using UUID For Primary Key - Then, what about queries?

I'm facing the problem with implementation model in Sequalize with primary key as uuid. I follow step by step all instruction, but still I cannot solve it. This is how my model looks like: 'use strict'; module. UUID }, ; Todo. UUIDV1 }, title: type: Sequelize. STRING , description: type: Sequelize. STRING , test: type: Sequelize. UUIDV4 , createdAt: allowNull: false, type: Sequelize. DATE , updatedAt: allowNull: false, type: Sequelize. The Datebase is MySql. Is there any other way to do it? By default, if your model does not contain a key with primaryKey: true, then sequelize assumes a PK of type INTEGER named id. In your case, it seems like you wish to make your own custom PK. Without much information regarding not only your query, but how you seeded the database, it's hard to answer specifically. However, it doesn't surprise me that test column was null, because you have not listed any validations. UUID, validate: notNull: true } ; migration: queryInterface. UUIDV4 } } ; 3 Keeping Models and Migrations Synchronized see: In sequelize, models and migrations are not automatically in-sync with one another, except when initially generated using sequelize-cli model:generate. I'm unsure if you ran your migrations or if you were running your query in a unit test against the model. But you have to make sure they are synchronized. A primary example is that in the above case, your migration says id is of type UUID, but your model will think it's of type INTEGER.


For more information about the problem and solution for previous versions of MySQL check link. It is utterly simple and transparent. Is it really important, how much performance is improved. Edit: It's already in production. Ex: 12345678 - 1234 - 5678 - 1234 - 567812345678 UUIDs can have different mysql uuid primary key structure depending on the version. Watch your CPU utilization whilst the tests are running and you will see what I mean. This is your primary key, you don't want it to be slow. They exist in several versions, and different sources can generate different versions. I follow step by step all instruction, but still I cannot solve it. Not so obvious advantage of UUID over auto-increment keys. Many professionals recommend using Universally Unique Identifiers also known as Globally Unique Identifier. Thanks in advance for your answers.